GORICA PRODUCTIONS is a multi-media company dedicated to the creation of high quality film, television and new media productions. Our projects combine intelligence with entertainme...more...See more text
Combining award-winning creative talent with proven production expertise Sarrazin Couture Entertainment is a partnership between Pierre Sarrazin and Suzette Couture, a Toronto and ...more...See more text
Synchronization, Master Use, Mechanical, Photos, Clips, etc. Don't be frustrated by those dealing with only some publishers, no record companies, no agents or unions. Through Copyr...more...See more text
The Independent Production Fund (IPF) invests over $1.5 M a year in original Canadian web series. The fund assists independent producers/creators to finance the production of origi...more...See more text
We possess a group of highly experienced players in this field, with a professional, focused, Group whose sole emphasis is your personal satisfaction that your even met and exceede...more...See more text
Caribbean Vibrations TV is a weekly 1/2 hr entertainment show. Each week we feature various Caribbean Events, Carnivals, Music & Food Festivals, Business Profiles and others things...more...See more text
With an eye for storytelling and killer animating skills, Greg is a hands-on director from the start of storyboarding through to final delivery. Best known for developing appealing...more...See more text
More>>Spirit LandIN DEVELOPMENT – Three modern day adventurers have spent years researching, canoeing, portaging and bushwacking up mountains to find the vistas that inspired Canad...more...See more text