HomeIf you don't have a church home, we invite you to join us at Altona Baptist Church.If you don't know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, we encourage you to read the...more...See more text
Every person on the planet is a unique creation of God, on a real journey with real purpose. No matter where you find yourself in life, it is our amazing privilege to come along si...more...See more text
If You Were To Visit The Altona Mennonite Church You Would Not Meet Any Perfect People. Nor Would You Meet A People Bound Together By Their Uniformity In Worship Style, Theology, P...more...See more text
Seeds exists to make Jesus real, by rooting our lives in Jesus, growing to be like Jesus and sowing his life in the world.Seeds' life is shaped around 7 core values known to us as ...more...See more text
We invite you to look at our web site and get to know a little bit about our church community. If you are not currently a member of our church – we would like to take this opportun...more...See more text
If you were to visit the Altona Mennonite Church you would not meet any perfect people. Nor would you meet a people bound together by their uniformity in worship style, theology, p...more...See more text
We Will Proclaim The Hope Of The Gospel, Inviting People From All Walks Of Life Into A Growing And Loving Relationship With Jesus Christ.more...See more text
Ouestmap is the directory of good places professionals ( 3,000,000 companies) for all your research in your de'partement , city and even abroad to the . The tourist guide to recomm...more...See more text
We believe in the one living eternal God in three persons: God, the Father; God, the Son; and God the Holy Spirit; Creator of all things.We believe in the deity, virgin birth, sinl...more...See more text
You may recall that childhood rhyme, where you clasped your hands together with forefingers extended:Here's the churchOpen the doorAnd see all the people.At Covenant Mennonite Chur...more...See more text