While the ice cream may not be as colourful as its competitors, the flavour definitely compensates. This all-natural product cannot be beat; the ice cream, frozen custards, soy creams and sorbets continue to impress. With a passionate expert running this shop, Crémerie Meu Meu’s product promises satisfaction.
Owner Guy Morad uses natural whole ingredients which provide his visitors with only healthy fats in their natural form. No artificial flavours or colours are added to any of these frozen treats. Unlike commercialized products with muddled ingredients, Guy’s Meu Meu product is “really really clean,” and his tools are environmentally friendly. His products are advertised as vegan and gluten free because these recipes produce great natural ice cream. For example, Meu Meu’s recipe for sorbet is just water, sugar and fruit – there was no initial idea to build a vegan product, but “to create a product using food in its natural forms,” says Guy. The healthy, classic ice cream just happens to conveniently cater to a vegan crowd. With a quick lesson of the science behind the ice cream, Guy explains that his frozen treats only have 25% air, while commercialized products are 70% air, explaining the difference in consistency, therefore taste.
A real must for any afternoon spent on Saint-Denis Street, Meu Meu beckons with its bright yellow storefront and sinfully creamy frozen custards, ice cream and sorbets. Here, those who like healthy choices will rejoice over the frozen soy, itself worthy of a detour. For me, though, it’s all about the coconut sorbet!
Crêmerie Meu Meu is known for their homemade ice cream, made without preservatives and artificial colouring, and using only wholesome ingredients. The simple ingredients make the all the ice creams more or less uniform in colour, but that does not take away any of the flavour. When we think of pumpkin spice, we think of warm lattes and pies. However, it’s every bit as delicious and refreshing in ice cream — a must-try if you’re looking to be creative.
There are moments that call for a little bit of sweetness, whether it’s strolling around with an ice cream on a swelteringly hot day, or taking a bite of a rich, creamy dessert after a satisfying dinner. Get to know your options with these incredible desserts, and get your sweet tooth ready for some action.