Kirton’s kennels is a great kennel. Judy loves the animals and the facility is well maintained and clean. We will definitely board our dog there again.
Parker spent his spring break with Judy again for the month of April. He came home happier and healthier than when I left him. Parker has Cancer and it is comforting to know that he will receive the TLC that he needs when he is needing extra attention and meds.
Judy has a special bond with animals and I do appreciate her care.
Judy and her kennel are first rate! I have used this kennel regularly over two years, ranging one day to two weeks per visit. Layout is very safety conscious, with proper fencing, air conditioning in summer and in-floor heating in one section and forced air heating in the other. Nice outdoor runs, with separate outdoor sections to isolate different dogs if required/desired. Judy is a caring and conscientious owner/operator, and very trustworthy. Very reasonable rates.