Find a Driving School offers information on over a thousand driving schools located throughout Canada. Our directory carefully sorts this information and conveniently provides the records by province and by city, so you can determine which schools are situated near you. Each listing contains brief contact details (address, telephone, email address and website) and some information about what kind of services this particular school provides. Most driving schools in our directory generally provide defensive driving courses, teen driver education, truck driving programs, as well as driver safety courses.Real Reviews Provided by Real StudentsWe are an independent directory, which means we're not affiliated with any particular schools. We do not take sides and display all the comments we receive from users - no matter if they are positive and negative.If you've attended a driving school we invite you to write a review on the school you studied with! Help the next person make an informed choicemore...See more text
Worst Teacher Ever!! The instructor sat on his phone the whole hour I was driving. Was Talking on the phone and texting away did not pay attention to a first time driver. After when I was done the feedback was terrible as well said I was great Like what.He didnt tell me to do any shoulder checks or anything. Do not recommend going to them. It will be a waste of money and time