Why do I feel like throwing up all the time?

October 31, 2014

Feeling the need to throw up all the time is a sign of persistent nausea. Discover the reasons why you feel this way and what you can do about it.

Why do I feel like throwing up all the time?

Demystifying the phenomenon

Nausea can be caused by many different physical or psychological factors. Nausea, or the feeling of wanting to vomit, is mainly caused by a stomach irritation or a disturbance of the inner ear. This would be the case for those who suffer from motion sickness or sea sickness.

With most individuals, nausea is associated with a temporary yet unpleasant pain; however, it can persist and even become a daily affliction for some.

What causes nausea?

There are several factors that can cause nausea. The key to a quick recovery is to identify the source as soon as possible.

Have you recently made any changes to your medications? It’s possible that your nausea is simply a side-effect of the medication you're taking. Inform your doctor so that the necessary adjustments can be made.

In other cases, nausea can be associated with carbon-monoxide poisoning. This colourless, odourless gas can be found in the air of your home as a result of the combustion of either wood or gasoline. When small quantities of carbon dioxide are emitted into the air on a regular basis, they can be absorbed by the body, and this will cause nausea and drowsiness.

Psychological reasons could also be causing your nausea. Stress levels, depression and other mood disorders can cause nauseating symptoms.

Ways to alleviate nausea

Fortunately, there are different ways to relieve an unpleasant nauseous sensation.

  1. As soon as you feel nauseous, drink a glass of cool water while trying to identify the cause of this feeling. Taking small sips will reduce the pain associated with the irritation to your stomach.
  2. If you believe that your nausea is due to possible carbon monoxide poisoning, immediately open all the doors and windows in your home or your car to get some fresh air. Then immediately contact your local poison control centre or emergency services right away.
  3. Drinking mint or ginger herb tea has been known to relieve nausea caused by stress. This time-tested, natural remedy is known to relieve the irritation of the mucous membrane in the stomach.
  4. If the nausea is accompanied by other symptoms, such as headaches, difficulty breathing or sudden weight loss, you should consult your doctor immediately. The nausea that you experience may be a warning sign of a more serious disease that requires special medical attention.
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