Expert tips to help get rid of toe fungus

November 27, 2014

The cracking, discomfort, and the unsightly appearance of toe fungus can be a real pain. Luckily, these tips can help you get rid of it.

Research has found that toe fungus affects approximately 50 per cent of the population once they’ve reached the age of 70. It can sometimes require proper medical treatment, but there are multiple ways to cure and get rid of toe fungus.

Expert tips to help get rid of toe fungus

Anti-fungal ointment

You can find over-the-counter anti-fungal treatment in just about every drugstore. Simply ask to be directed to the nail care section, and there should be a variety to choose from.

Vaseline or nail polish

Depriving the nail of oxygen is a great way to stop the fungus from spreading. Simply coat the affected area with a thick gloss of Vaseline and leave it overnight. Alternatively, use a clear nail polish on the nail that’s affected, as this will also deprive the area of oxygen.

Vinegar foot bath

Vinegar is a natural disinfectant, and has been proven to aid in the elimination of unsightly foot fungus. Simply soak your feet, or foot, in a warm foot bath of water and vinegar. The mixture should be ¼ cup (60 ml) of vinegar with two litres of water. With a soak once a day for at least two weeks, you will notice that the discomfort and appearance associated with fungus lessens.

Wear cotton socks

Today, many socks are made of cotton blends. Watch for the word “blend” on the tag. Aim for plain, cotton socks, as they breathe better than the alternative.

Orange oil

Pure orange oil (five to ten drops) works well for treating foot fungus. You can find orange oil at any health food store or, conveniently, any garden centre.

Toe fungus is unpleasant, uncomfortable and ugly. But there are many easy, expedient methods for ridding your feet from fungus. If none of these tips prove affective in getting rid of toe fungus, see your doctor. There are many prescription medications than can be used for the treatment of foot fungus.

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