You don't need to exercise for long periods of time to get healthier. A 15-minute workout a day can provide all the exercise you need. Short bursts of activity can be just as helpful as long exercise sessions.
November 6, 2014
You don't need to exercise for long periods of time to get healthier. A 15-minute workout a day can provide all the exercise you need. Short bursts of activity can be just as helpful as long exercise sessions.
For many of us, finding the time to visit the gym for hours each week is impractical. Likewise, going for a long run or swimming 100 lengths in the local pool can seem daunting.
According to the Canadian government, in 2011 nearly half the population was not sufficiently active, with more severe inactivity problems noted among older people.
Short workouts are good because they are less intimidating than exercising in one long session, and your heart rate is raised and lowered more frequently if you exercise every day.
Take it easy at first, especially if you haven't worked out in a long time.
Any sort of exercise that increases your heart rate and makes you feel a little breathless will help you stay active and healthy.
Gradually increase the intensity of your exercise session.
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