In our stressed-out world, sometimes it's hard to pay attention. The following strategies should help you stay attentive when you need to:
November 3, 2015
In our stressed-out world, sometimes it's hard to pay attention. The following strategies should help you stay attentive when you need to:
To find out which common cause of distraction is affecting you, ask yourself if you are hungry or tired, stressed or worried, or if you are using distracting technology.
Physical discomfort may be caused by clothes that are too tight or too loose such as ill-fitting shoes or uncomfortable fabrics.
It's difficult to concentrate when you're worrying about other things.
Technology can be a real distraction.
These are some of the most common causes of attention problems for adults, and many of them affect us without our even realizing it. So, if you find you're having attention problems on a day-to-day basis, ask yourself the questions above -- and listen to the answers.
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