Deep Tissue Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Chronic Pain, Pain Management, Acute Injuries, Chronic Tension, Chronic Inflammation, Stress Management, Registered Massage Therapy, Health and Wellness Coach, Integrative Nutritional Health Coach, Nutritional Coaching, Disordered Eating, Food Coach, Somatic Coaching, Holistic Therapy, Whole Body Approach, Integrative Body Work, Chronic Disease, Mindfulness Coaching
I am a Registered Massage Therapist and a Health and Wellness Coach. You can access my services independently or go deeper by connecting the mind and body with Integrative Body Wor...more...See more text
I recently found this company on Yellow and booked an appointment with them for me and my pregnant fiancé. They were able to accommodate our request to have us a 1 hour massage during the same time period. I chose this company specifically because their ad said they do deep tissue and pregnancy massage which is exactly what we were looking for. We knew nothing else about this company other than what we could read online. Needless to say we both came out of our treatments saying that those were the best massages of our life's. The staff is very knowledgeable and listens to what you want so they can perform a treatment that suites your individual needs. I would highly recommend this company to anyone looking for the services they offer.Read more
Massage Therapy, Chiropractic Care, Therapeutic Yoga, Kinesiology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Athletic Therapy, Acupuncture, Reiki
Welcome to Absolute Therapy!
Our clinic offers massage therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, athletic therapy, kinesiology, and yoga therapy, as well ...more...See more text
At ViVi Therapy we are passionate about helping people be better and feel better. To us that means body work and movement. After all ViVi means both you and life! We offer Register...more...See more text
Deep Tissue Massage, Swedish Massage, Wheelchair-accessible Massotherapy Clinic, Lymphatic Drainage, Therapeutic Massage, Back Massage, Sports Massage, Trigger Point Massage, Relaxation Massage, Massage For Pregnant Women, Massage Therapists, Myofascial Release, Massage For Children, Head Massage, Shoulder Massage, Neck Massage, Scalp Massage, Muscle Massage, Dr. Vodder's Manual Lymph Drainage
Looking for effective massage therapy? Ingrid Stenersen in Victoria offers deep tissue massage, relaxation massage, Swedish massage and more to assist you in relaxing your muscles ...more...See more text
Wendy McVicar B.A.,R.M.T. has 38 years of experience as a Registered Massage Therapist treating people of all ages and medical conditions. She combines therapeutic and relaxation ...more...See more text
** We have moved to 104-4430 Chatterton Way in Saanich. **
The registered massage therapists at Saanich Massage Therapy & Wellness offer a range of massage therapy services. Our g...more...See more text
Hot Stone Massage, Pre And Post Natal, Massage Training & Continuing Educa, Acupuncture Energy Balance, Breast Cancer Support, Deep Tissue And Sport Massage, Acupuncture Pain Relief, Temporomandibular Joint Pain Trtmnt, Acupuncture Allergy Treatments, Craniosacral Therapy
ViVi Therapy. Where Experience Makes the Difference.
Trigger Point Therapy, Myofascial Release, Stress Relief, Direct Billing, Online Booking, RMT, Muscle Energy, Stretching, Therapeutic Massage, Deep Tissue Massage
Willow Tree Wellness is your full-service massage and acupuncture clinic, based in Victoria, BC. We specialize in registered massage therapy among others for various problems. Book...more...See more text