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Business listings in Calmar

Yellow Pages provides extensive directory information for in and about the Calmar, Alberta area. With the largest database of businesses found in Canada, Yellow Pages will get you there quicker. If you’re near Calmar, discover the best user-reviewed companies close to home, with .

If you love to cook, but need a little new inspiration – try taking a trip to one of these neighbourhood groceries for tastes from around the world. This week, treat yourself to a Middle Eastern picnic, Sunday morning dim sum and authentic British teatime. Bon voyage!
The outdoor farmers' market season ends in fall, but there are plenty of indoor markets available year-round. These farmers' markets are home to some of the tastiest vegan delights around - if you can't find them in winter, mark your calendars for May, when all the local farmers' markets are back in bloom.
Edmonton’s winter months can get a little chilly - there’s no doubt about it and definitely no way around it. Embrace the cold with a hot bowl of noodle soup, a staple food group for local food blogger Cindy Nguyen (Let’s Om Nom). Slurp your way around Edmonton with some of her favourite bowls.
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