Lorax Environmental Services Ltd. has provided professional services to the mining industry, government regulators and projects, renewable energy projects, First Nations, and oil and gas industry since 1996.
Our team of scientists and engineers have global experience with a wide range of environmental issues and project management in the fields of environmental geochemistry, surface water quality, hydrology, hydrogeology, aquatic biology, oceanography, numerical modeling, water management and climate science.
We provide high-caliber environmental services using innovative, practical, and sustainable solutions
The Lorax Team
Select Publications

Lorax provides geochemical expertise at every stage of a resource project, from project conceptualization and feasibility, to closure and decommissioning.
We specialize in the development and evaluation of predictive environmental models, and the application of best practices to metal leaching (ML) and acid rock drainage (ARD) characterization and management. Our geochemical services include characterization of mine wastes, road alignments, hydroelectric dams, and the role of geochemical processes in climate change.

Lorax hydrogeologists are proficient in physical and chemical groundwater system characterization, well-development and instrumentation in environments ranging from tropical to permafrost conditions. Our specialists synthesize groundwater quantity, groundwater quality, and isotope information into robust conceptual and numerical models for groundwater flow.
The Lorax groundwater group works closely with the larger team of scientists and engineers to develop fully-integrated, multi-disciplinary solutions for water resource and environmental management challenges

Hydrology & Climate
Lorax provides clients with hydrologic solutions for each stage of a project, including weather and flow monitoring, data analysis, flow and climate change modelling, and reporting.
Our water professionals apply their skills and experience to resolve complex, inter-disciplinary water resource and environmental management challenges. We actively engage regulators and stakeholders while delivering climate and hydrological services for mine development projects, energy (e.g., wind power, run-of-river hydropower, and large-scale hydropower developments), government, and research sectors.

Water Quality
Lorax provides both freshwater and marine water quality services, including monitoring, data analysis, modeling, reporting, and compliance, within national and international regulatory environments.
Our scientists are experienced in baseline program development, water treatment, quality assurance/quality control, and development of site-specific water quality objectives. We develop water management and regulatory compliance strategies based on a strong technical foundation, and comprehensive integration with other project components.

Lorax physical oceanographers, geochemists and biologists utilize an integrated approach to characterize the physical, geochemical, and biological nature of open ocean and coastal marine environments.
Our highly-skilled technical staff are experienced in developing oceanographic field programs, numerical models, and data analysis and interpretation. Lorax uses a variety of specialized equipment (CTDs, current meters, Go-Flo bottles, and sediment corers) and modelling to help understand impacts of marine projects, including the development of ports, mining, oil and gas, and aquaculture.

Aquatic Biology
Lorax biologists and toxicologists are proficient in the monitoring and assessment of aquatic systems. Our services include monitoring, data analysis, effect assessment, reporting, and benchmark development, within national and international regulatory environments. The expertise of Lorax scientists extends to sector-specific issues, such as environmental selenium, and technical challenges requiring novel approaches.
This expertise is closely aligned with our geochemical, hydrogeological, hydrologic, and water quality groups to ensure comprehensive, practical project solutions for our clients.

Lorax Environmental Services creates communication tools such as 3D visualizations to help reviewers and stakeholders understand how a project will impact its landscape. These tools support decision making for project permitting, production planning, and mine closure.
Additional services provided by the Lorax team including 3D perspective images, augmented reality views, and animations that efficiently convey a project’s design, progression, and outlook to both technical and non-technical viewers.

Lorax offers competitive compensation and a progressive, friendly culture that values technical and professional growth. We are always interested in hearing from talented graduates and professionals.
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