tank cleaning
Inspection, cleaning
& unblocking
& maintenance
A quality
With an extensive fleet of trucks and machinery, Hans Gruenwald Enterprises Inc. are well equipped to help you realize all your projects. For work that meets your expectations led by an innovative, dynamic, and professional team, and delivered on time while respecting the security aspect, do not hesitate to call Hans Gruenwald Enterprises Inc. at 450-458-7014.

Septic systems installation
We are accredited in septic system installation for Ecoflo, Bionest, Enviroseptic and HydroKinetic technologies and ecological systems.

Specialized services
- Sanitary survey
- Sale and installation of septic tank accessories
- Sale of organic and ecological products (Solu-Sept)
- Yearly cleaning services for your prefilter
- Pipe location service

I live here,
I buy here
For more than 55 years, we have been offering a quality service in the residential, commercial, industrial and municipal sectors. Our services are located in the Montérégie region from Montreal to the Ontario border.