Acupuncture One is a clinic dedicated to practicing pure, original Chinese medicine. The principal of the clinic, Mark Ma, M.Sc., R.TCMP, R.Ac, inherited the knowledge and skills directly from Grand Masters in the field. This rare heritage enables him to provide exceptional services to clients.
Excellent results for pain relief, vision problems, Bell's palsy, insomnia, hemorrhoids, etc. No surgery, no side effects.
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A friend of mine recommended I go see a certain acupuncturist named Mark Ma, stating that the guy is a magician who has done wonders for his issues. I have never really put any stock into acupuncture, but after my first visit, I seen tremendous improvement with my condition. This man really seems to know what he is doing, and I have huge confidence in him now. He has suggested a certain diet which I feel is making a big difference as well. I love his confidence and feel very comfortable in h
I was referred by one of my family friend for treatment for trigeminal neurolgia (a facial and head stabbing pain). His treatment is helping me alot to come out the pain. He treats the root cause of the problem and resolves & addressees it with his experience.