My daughter's party was perfect with the addition of Calvin! They kids couldn't keep their eyes off of him and the parents/grandparents enjoyed the show too!
I was at my Nieces Communion a few weeks ago, and Calvin was Entertaing the Children & Adults. There were 125 people watching.
I have already booked Calvin for my Husbands 40 th Birthday Party in August this year.
We have never Laughed so hard when Calvin had a boy come up and help assist him with the Rabbit trick. What a Great Time we all had , with Tears rolling down our faces.. Too much FUN.
I am Voting Calvin's MAGIC for the # 1 Magician of the year..
Thanks Calvin for a Memorable time..
Sally/ Ancaster ,ON
Thank you for your kind words Sally. I had a Fantastic time at your son's Party, everyone was involved. The free Magic wand i gave you son will have lasting memories. Look forward to his next Party...WE have been in business now for 23 yrs..
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