Well, I went to Cityview Automotive in Fredericton NB for a regular MVI.
They fixed a few things and charged me ove $650. All is fine so far, but two days later I started hearing some rumbling at the back left wheel while I was driving in the highway at a speed around 90-100km/h. I was lucky "me and my kids" that nothing happened. The next day while I was taking my son to the daycare, I heard the same rumbling noise again!!?? So as soon as I pulled up at the daycare I came down to check the wheels. And to my surprise, the driver side rear wheel was loose!!! I could turn the nuts with my fingers!!! Now is that a garage that you can trust your life and your family's life with???
I wish there was some customer protection agency that I can submit a complaint to or take them to court for their INCOMPETENCE and CARELESSNESS.