
Products and Services

  • Book Stores,
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2557 Broadway W, Vancouver, BC V6K 2E9
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Meet the owner

While most independent bookstores are sadly going the way of the dodo, Kidsbooks keeps on going strong. This Vancouver fixture focuses on books for kids of all ages, and founder and co-owner Phyllis Simon attributes their success to the “inexplicable magic of reading a book and turning the pages.” She goes on to say, “It must speak to some deep-rooted emotional experience; it's something about making the hand to eye connection. I don't know what it is, but it's there and it's not going away despite all the dire predictions.”

Phyllis, who opened the original Kidsbooks on 4th Avenue in 1983, is now passing on her love of reading to a second generation of Vancouverites. “Some I recognize and others tell me it was their favourite place when they were a kid, which is pretty exciting for me,” she says.

Kidsbooks moved to its current West Broadway location in 1987 and then opened a second store in Edgemont Village in 1995 and in 2007,  one in South Surrey.

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    section de livres en français

    Vous trouverez ici une immense sélection de livres pour enfants de 0 à 18 ans. Il y a une petite sélection de livres en français. Il y a aussi une section de livres sur la grossesse et plusieurs beaux jeux éducatifs. Il y a une aire de jeux pour les enfants et des fauteuils pour faire de la lecture. C'est une bonne destination les jours de pluie même lorsque vous n'avez pas d'achat à faire!

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    Inspire the Love of Reading in Your Child

    Kidsbooks is a very special place. They have such an amazing selection of children's books and related products that the hardest part is usually deciding which of the myriad titles you are going to select to purchase. Not only do they offer books but they carry a great selection of games and carefully selected toys and activity sets to stimulate every kid's imagination. They are great at organizing special events dedicated to reading such as signings and author readings and I will never forget going to one of their Harry Potter midnight book was an evening of chaotic merriment to say the least! Kidsbooks is also an excellent place to visit at holiday times as they select all kinds of holiday related titles and decorate the store and the window displays to suit the holiday. Bring your kids to Kidsbooks and they will want to visit again and again!

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    The best source for children's books.

    This store has been here since I was about 10 years old and they are truly a kid-focused and kid-friendly business. I'm an avid reader and fully support any business, especially this one, that promotes literacy for children. Now that I'm a proud auntie to a 2-year-old niece, I'm happy that I have a reason to go back into the store. I can't wait until she's old enough to go to some of the events the store hosts for writers of popular books for children.

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