Phil's Trophies & Engraving
33-11900 Haney Pl, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 8R9
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Meet the owner

For Phil, the namesake of Phils Trophies and Engravings, engraving was an unexpected extension of his existing cobbler business. “People were coming in asking if we did engravings and things like that,” he says. “I saw there was an opportunity and a need, so I started it up and it’s become very popular. We have great service, quality work and reasonable prices. You combine those three together and people keep coming back.”

Clients can select trophy styles from a catalogue. Phil then orders them in from his suppliers. Once they arrive, he can engrave them to the customer’s specifications. But Phil’s engraving skills aren’t limited to trophies. “We do a lot of personal engraving for things like personal heirlooms,” he says. “We get a lot of knife sets where people get their family tree put on it. We've engraved a barrel of a gun, urns, pretty much anything. It’s amazing what people bring in to get engraved.”

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