Imagine Laser Works - End Drug/Alcohol Addictions using Auricular Acupuncture with Laser, it is a useful tool in relieving the symptoms of withdrawal, including decreasing the severity of cravings, body aches, headaches, nausea, sweating & muscle cramping. It is achieved by using Low Level Laser on energy points (acupuncture) on the ears, fingers, wrists and feet. We also detoxify & repair your body with nutritional supplements, herbs and exercise to help you with healthy ways to cope with life and keep you on track. Imagine Laser Works uses Laser Acupuncture for weight loss to speed up your metabolism, decrease your appetite, control your hunger cravings & Increase your endorphin levels. Imagine Laser Works can help you stop smoking - you can actually quit smoking in less than an hour with a 95% quit rates. Thousands of people have quit smoking with Imagine Laser Works Laser Therapy worldwide. We can help you, your friends and loved ones enjoy a life without Nicotine or addictions. more...See more text
Products and Services
Laser Treatment - Laser Therapy,
Stop Smoking,
Weight Lose - Appetite Suppressant,
Drug Addiction Treatment,
Alcohol Addiction Treatment,
Insomnia Treatment,
Stress - Anxiety Treatment,
Relaxation & Stress Reduction,
Detoxify & Repair Your Body,
Low Level Laser Therapy,
Quit Smoking- Stop Smoking Treatment,
Speed Metabolism,
Alcohol Abuse,
Weight Control - Appetite Control- Eating Disorder,